We’ll Miss You, Janet!

After 20+ years of loyal, outstanding service to The Chatham Club, staff member Janet DeBiase, has decided to relocate and move closer to her family in Georgia. Janet joined The Chatham Club as a member in 1997 and began working part-time at the Front Desk two years later. In the ensuing years, she was in charge of Membership Sales and Facilities Management. Janet also creates the promotional signage within the Club, produces the artwork for external marketing outlets, sends email notifications to members and coordinates the production of our monthly newsletter, “Happenings.” Oh …. And she also continues to find time to wake up early every Thursday morning to open the Club and greet members at the Front Desk!!! Janet has left big shoes to fill and will certainly be missed by all. Please join us in wishing her the very best on her last day! We love you, Janet!


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