Lena’s Yoga Class – Ready to Give it a Try?!

On Tuesdays from 10:15am-11:15am, you can find Lena in Studio C, with the lights dimmed, bringing a sense of peace and calm to The Chatham Club. Interested in trying out a new yoga class? Here’s a preview of what you can expect from yoga with Lena. Use the .gifs to practice your form and then watch the video below to see how they all flow together!

1. Lena starts her class with an opening pose, gentle meditation and a focus on connecting with your breath. She’s demonstrating a cat & cow pose below.

2. Next, she’ll ease you into a slow and gentle warm up. Here, is a sample of a low lunge- a great way to stretch out your muscles before the class really gets going.

3. After your warm up – she’ll start to incorporate some standing poses. The first sample is Warrior 2, into Reverse Triangle, into Extended Side Angle.

4. Another great standing pose is High Lunge into Warrior 3.

5. Lena also loves to incorporate a revolved crescent lunge. Check it out!

6. Let’s move into everyones’ favorite part of yoga, balance. Tree pose is a great way to focus on your breath, focus on balance and center yourself.

7. Forward folds. A great stretching technique after several standing poses. Lena is demonstrating a head-to-knee forward bend here.

8. Let’s reverse things with a backbend! The bow pose, demonstrated by Lena below, is a great way to stretch muscles that are otherwise hard to reach. It’s also an opportunity for some excellent core work.

9. You can’t end a yoga class without a heaping dose of meditation. A great way to calm the mind before walking out of the Club.

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