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Why it is Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule
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If you’re looking to overhaul your fitness routine, making time for the gym has many health benefits. Incorporating gym time into your daily or weekly routine will improve your overall mental and physical well-being.
The Gym Helps You Stay Motivated
Taking exercise classes or working with a personal trainer holds you accountable since someone expects you to show up.
Classes are a great way to jumpstart your workout routine, and group fitness is an excellent way to work out without thinking or planning. When you’re surrounded by other dedicated people trying to do the same thing you are, it’s easy to get and stay motivated. To keep your fitness routine interesting, try taking one of the Club’s fun and unique classes, like Bootcamp, Muscle Shock, Spin, HIIT, or Monday Mystery.
Find a personal trainer to work with you in one-on-one sessions if classes aren’t your thing. These work best if done weekly, especially in the beginning. A personal trainer can help you overcome your obstacles and take you to new heights on your fitness journey. They will put together the perfect routine to help you achieve your goals and demonstrate the correct form and posture for each exercise.
Exercise Helps with Weight Maintenance
Even if you’re not actively trying to lose weight, regular exercise helps maintain your current weight and tone up. Exercises like running on the treadmill, using the elliptical machine, and biking on a stationary bike are excellent cardio – they help increase endurance and burn calories. Try the free weights or resistance bands for optimal muscle toning and strength training.
Working Out Improves Your Mood
Studies have shown that exercise improves your mood and lowers your anxiety, and it releases chemicals into your brain that help you feel happier and can ease the effects of depression, ADHD, and anxiety. A recent study from The Global Health & Fitness Association found that exercise plays a key role in mental health and well-being. People who took regular group classes reported less stress and higher quality of life than those who worked out solo. It can also help you sleep better at night, which is essential to maintaining an overall good mood.
Exercise Gives You an Energy Boost
If you’re feeling sluggish at any point in the day, take a spin class or go for a brisk walk on the treadmill. Exercise increases your energy levels and helps you get through the day, especially that mid-afternoon slump.
You Might Get Better Skin
Exercise, especially regular exercise, increases the production of antioxidants, which improve skin health and appearance.
You’ll Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease
Regular exercise helps decrease your risk of heart disease and lowers your “bad” LDL cholesterol while raising your “good” HDL cholesterol. So, if you’re at risk of cardiovascular problems or are just trying to prevent future issues, incorporate regular physical activity into your routine.
Get Motivated
Motivation can be a tricky thing. It comes, and it goes, flowing in waves each day and each week. Some days we feel motivated, while we struggle to get a single thing done on other days. Write down your goals and keep them where you can see them. Your week can fill up fast with work, kids, family, and friends with busy schedules. Try every Sunday to set aside some time to plan your weekly workout schedule.
We are here to help! Check out The Chatham Club’s group fitness schedule or reach out to us to get started with one of our trainers.