Greg Kleva




Our Member of the Month for September is Greg Kleva. Greg is an inspirational story of doing what it takes to return to daily life activities. At 75, spending time with family and traveling are important things in his life. However, not long ago, those activities were virtually impossible. Greg has been dealing with neuropathy in his feet, and an arthritic left hip. The neuropathy made it difficult to stand, walk, and do most everyday activities. The arthritic hip caused him great pain and made it difficult to sit. These two things combined were double trouble. He took matters into his own hands and began Personal Training with Carmine roughly six months ago. Since starting his training and he has seen marked improvements. Through focused training on his balance and strength, he has seen a vast improvement in his quality of life. He has increased confidence in walking and doesn’t fear falling. This summer was the first in 2 years Greg could walk from his beach house to the beach, in the sand, and walk around with his grandkids. Being on the beach and going for bike rides again with the grandkids has been a major treat he was missing out on for a long time until now. To top it all off, Greg lost 10 pounds in the process. He is more motivated than ever to keep consistent with his workouts and continue to see successful results.

How long have you been a member of The Chatham Club?
Three years

What do you like most about The Chatham Club?
The entire package! I love the facility, services, clean locker rooms, and great people all around.

What do you like most about Personal Training?
It has been a great investment! I love how Carmine constantly makes changes to progress my training and is attentive. Lots of variety and help.

What are some of your favorite exercises?
I enjoy the Ski Erg and all my balance exercises. I like working on agility movements, hip mobility, low back strength, and hamstring work.

Any least favorite exercises?
There are none that I dislike. Some are difficult, but I know they have benefits, so I do them.

What do you enjoy doing outside of the club?
I love to travel both domestically and internationally. I cherish time with my grandkids, family, and friends. I also love to read.

Any upcoming goals?
I am getting close, but my main goal is to return to the golf course.

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