Get To Know: Carol Braun

Get to know Carol!

Carol Braun has become a BELOVED instructor at The Chatham Club over the past four years. Our members go crazy for her HIIT and Barre classes. Currently Carol teaches FOUR classes in a row on Thursdays…she’s amazing. Check out her interview below and learn a little bit more about Carol’s passion for fitness!

Q: How long have you been an instructor at TCC?
A: It has been my sincere honor and pleasure to be working at TCC; and, this is my fourth year here!

Q: Where did your passion for fitness come from?
A: I remember running when I was in the fourth grade. In fact, my mother recognized my need to exercise when I was nine years old ; she suggested that I enroll in dance classes and run around the neighborhood as I was always filled with an abundance of energy. I began teaching fitness classes in the 1980s as a senior in the honors program at Rutgers University when the older teacher had graduated.

Q: What is your favorite class to teach?
A: Actually, I love to teach all my classes. But, the advanced HIIT is my favorite because people come with such eagerness for me to challenge them to dig deeper and jump a little higher. And, they surpass my expectations every week.

Q: What is the best killer exercise for toning arms?
A: No weights and a trillion reps of Tracey Anderson type moves. The members groan.

Q: What is your favorite post (or pre!) workout snack/meal?
A: I eat 7×24! I love a clean protein bar in my car after teaching classes.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure food?
A: I can eat an entire pizza and then eat Trader Joe’s Cherry Chip ice cream. It’s ridiculously delicious, and I am obsessed.

Q: Favorite brand of workout gear/clothing?
A: When I have a gift card, hands down it is Athleta. I buy Old Navy on my own.

Q: Favorite music to listen to when exercising?
A: Acid music from the 90s.

Q: What are your goals (if any..not necessary) for 2021?
A: Be more compassionate
Be more understanding
Have more patience w my youngest (he’s a teenager and I’m waaaay too old for this)
Save more money
And, do more cardio
Oh, and definitely to stretch more!

Q: What is your favorite thing about The Chatham Club?
A: Undoubtedly, I am amazed at the members who show up when it’s 15 degrees out and yearn for a crazy challenging workout. They are unstoppable.

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