
What IS Vinyasa Yoga?

By |2019-04-18T11:01:48-04:00October 27th, 2017|Fun Facts|

Vinyasa Yoga is a broad term when it comes to “type” or “kind” of yoga.  Briefly, Vinyasa Yoga is the practice of moving the body through postures or  “asanas” in connection with the breath while having an impact on the body, mind and perhaps spirit. It emphasizes breathing with movement and often but not always each movement is coordinated with a breath. However sometimes a posture is held but NEVER the breath.  This in turn, [...]

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What Inspired You To Become A Bodybuilder?

By |2019-04-18T11:01:56-04:00October 27th, 2017|Fun Facts|

A few things really inspired bodybuilding for me. As a kid I loved to sketch. My first drawings were of marvel comic characters. I spent many years drawing them, it was my first real outlet. Needless to say I spent a lot of time seeing and visualizing characters that had very muscular bodies. That put the initial idea of what I wanted to look like in my mind.      I’d say the next and [...]

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