Court Booking Policy

Court Booking Instructions

Booking Privileges by Membership Type

Gold Members (ages 14 & up):
7-day advance booking; maximum one booking per day.

Junior Gold (ages 10 – 13):
Limited to reserve and play on courts A, B, C
*Weekend reservations after 11:00 am

Gold Members playing with Jrs:
Limited to play on courts A, B, and C only. Guest fees apply to non-member juniors: 7-day advance booking, maximum one booking per day.

Silver Members:
No booking privileges; guest fees will apply for court use.

General Court Bookings

  • Protective eyewear is mandatory for persons under the age of 18 and highly recommended for adults. Black-soled shoes are not allowed on the court.
  • Booked courts may be forfeited if players are more than 15 minutes late.
  • Reservations for courts may be made up to one week in advance.
  • If you book a court alone, another member will be able to add themselves to the reservation.
  • Two players have priority over solo work.
  • Members are responsible for their guests and the guest fees.
  • All members are given an initial username and password for online court and lesson booking at this link: (this can be found on both and
  • “No Show” Policy: A member who fails to cancel their court will be warned once by the Pro. If the member continues to fail to cancel his or her court, said member will have their squash privileges suspended for one month.
  • Please cancel courts as early as possible so that members waiting for a court may reserve one.