
Meals, drinks and recipes that are healthy and delicious!

The Role of Mindset in Achieving Fitness Goals

The Role of Mindset in Achieving Fitness Goals "The mental game is what separates the good players from the great players. So anything I can do to get that mental edge to help me stay my best, I'm gonna try and do it." ~ Aaron Judge   The mind plays an important role in determining your success in reaching your fitness goals. Many people focus on physical activity and nutrition when following fitness goals while [...]

Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation and Promote Recovery

Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation and Promote Recovery Have you ever wondered what you can eat to help your body recover faster and feel better after those intense workouts? We all know the feeling after a good workout – the burn, the sweat, and that satisfying exhaustion, and the next day, that familiar soreness creeps into your muscles. It's a good indicator of a job well done, as your workout produced microtears in your muscles, [...]

By |2024-01-02T10:09:53-05:00December 28th, 2023|How To, Nutrition, Sports Training|0 Comments

Unlocking Your Best Self

Unlocking Your Best Self   With busy schedules, it can be challenging to prioritize your health and well-being. With multiple responsibilities, including work, family, and social commitments, you are leaving little time for self-care. Unlocking your best self is an ongoing journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and self-improvement. Here are some tips to help you become the best version of yourself: Prioritize self-care: Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is essential. You can [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:09:50-04:00May 30th, 2023|exercise, Nutrition|0 Comments

Fuel Your Workouts

Fuel Your Workouts Fueling your workouts is critical for providing the energy and nutrients required for peak performance. Exercise depletes your body's glycogen stores, which are the primary energy source for high-intensity activity. Refilling these stores with a well-balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats is critical to maintaining your energy levels and avoiding exhaustion. Here are some suggestions for fueling your workouts: Eat a healthy diet. A balanced diet is necessary for [...]

By |2023-03-30T21:26:40-04:00March 29th, 2023|exercise, How To, Nutrition, Sports Training|0 Comments

Hydration: Why It’s So Important

Hydration: Why It's So Important Water plays a critical role in the human body as it helps regulate body temperature, cushions and protects vital organs and aids digestion. It is a key component of muscle tissue, making up 75% of it and about 10% of fatty tissue. Additionally, water functions at the cellular level to transport nutrients and eliminate waste. Dehydration can significantly impact your ability to work out effectively and safely. When you're dehydrated, [...]

Healthy Grilling Tips

Healthy Grilling Tips   If you haven't already, it is time to fire up the grill! Grilling outdoors is an excellent way to spare your kitchen the mess; you can cook anything on the grill. And who doesn't love the smell of the grill going? Use herbs in rubs or marinades.  You've got to love the idea of infusing flavor into meats and vegetables by soaking them in a tasty marinade. When grilling, many use [...]

By |2022-06-30T10:49:52-04:00June 29th, 2022|Nutrition|0 Comments
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