
The Role of Mindset in Achieving Fitness Goals

The Role of Mindset in Achieving Fitness Goals "The mental game is what separates the good players from the great players. So anything I can do to get that mental edge to help me stay my best, I'm gonna try and do it." ~ Aaron Judge   The mind plays an important role in determining your success in reaching your fitness goals. Many people focus on physical activity and nutrition when following fitness goals while [...]

Discovering the Magic of HIIT Training

Discovering the Magic of HIIT Training Maintaining your physical fitness is important in protecting your vital organs and maintaining the strength of your muscles. It helps lower the interior fat surrounding your organs, enhancing their functionality. Additionally, it strengthens the cardiorespiratory system, which keeps your blood pumping throughout the body to supply oxygen to your organs. High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, is a popular and highly effective type of cardiovascular exercise. HIIT workouts [...]

By |2024-02-29T19:20:08-05:00February 27th, 2024|exercise, Group Classes|0 Comments

What is VO2 Max and 4 Ways to Improve Yours

What is VO2 Max and 4 Ways to Improve Yours Are you working out regularly, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep, but you're not happy with the outcomes of your efforts? You want to make improvements to your fitness goals and push the needle even further. There are many options to consider when it comes to improving your health, but increasing your VO2 Max is one of the most beneficial self-improvement tasks you can take [...]

By |2023-05-01T11:43:31-04:00April 30th, 2023|exercise, Group Classes, How To, Sports Training|0 Comments

Hydration: Why It’s So Important

Hydration: Why It's So Important Water plays a critical role in the human body as it helps regulate body temperature, cushions and protects vital organs and aids digestion. It is a key component of muscle tissue, making up 75% of it and about 10% of fatty tissue. Additionally, water functions at the cellular level to transport nutrients and eliminate waste. Dehydration can significantly impact your ability to work out effectively and safely. When you're dehydrated, [...]

How To Deal With Muscle Soreness

How To Deal With Muscle Soreness   A common side effect of exercise is muscle soreness. This muscle soreness usually occurs 12 to 24 hours after exercising and can last up to 72 hours. This delayed soreness, known as DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness), is due to microscopic damage to muscle fibers and surrounding tissues. Muscle damage occurs when you engage in physical activity that your muscles are not used to or when you [...]

By |2023-01-31T11:27:14-05:00January 31st, 2023|exercise, Group Classes, How To, Sports Training|0 Comments

Members of the Month – Diane Van Horn

Member of the Month Diane has been a loyal member of the club for almost ten years. She is an excellent example of how consistency in the gym pays big dividends. Diane became even more consistent in her workouts following the pandemic. She changed her routine and became more focused on improving her fitness levels. This focus has helped her see significant changes in her body composition and improve her cardiovascular fitness. What does your [...]

By |2023-03-01T11:02:25-05:00January 27th, 2023|Group Classes, Member of the Month|0 Comments

People often ask: “What exactly is Pilates?”

People often ask: "What exactly is Pilates?"   Simply put, pilates focuses on the mind-body connection. While doing the various exercises, your mind and body should be constantly aware of your breathing. Pilates is a form of exercise that emphasizes strengthening the core while toning and shaping the body's muscles. Pilates is a mind-body discipline in which six principles create the foundation for effectively executing the exercises. They are as follows:  Concentration Connecting the mind and body [...]

Why it is Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule

Why it is Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule If you're looking to overhaul your fitness routine, making time for the gym has many health benefits. Incorporating gym time into your daily or weekly routine will improve your overall mental and physical well-being. The Gym Helps You Stay Motivated Taking exercise classes or working with a personal trainer holds you accountable since someone expects you to show up. Classes are a great [...]

Outdoor Classes to Be Streamed This Weekend

BRRR..IT'S COLD! WE HAVE A WAY FOR YOU TO WORK OUT, STAY WARM AND WIN A FREE GUEST PASS! Due to the forecasted cold weather and high potential for snow, we are cancelling all outdoor classes for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If you take at least TWO of the VIRTUAL classes listed below, we will mail you a FREE guest pass. Please refer to your email or call the Club to access these classes via [...]

By |2021-01-28T13:41:20-05:00January 28th, 2021|Group Classes|0 Comments

Lena’s Yoga Class – Ready to Give it a Try?!

On Tuesdays from 10:15am-11:15am, you can find Lena in Studio C, with the lights dimmed, bringing a sense of peace and calm to The Chatham Club. Interested in trying out a new yoga class? Here's a preview of what you can expect from yoga with Lena. Use the .gifs to practice your form and then watch the video below to see how they all flow together! 1. Lena starts her class with an opening pose, [...]

By |2019-11-15T11:53:03-05:00November 15th, 2019|Group Classes, How To, Workout Routines|0 Comments
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